
Showing posts from October, 2016

Weekly Update 10/28

Dear NCHS Family, Nationally Acclaimed Speaker, Marc Brackett, Ph.D., will be coming to New Canaan to speak to parents on Tuesday, November 29, 7:00-8:30 pm in the New Canaan High School Auditorium.   In this presentation, family members will learn about the science of emotions, the skills of emotional intelligence, and practical strategies and tools to develop emotional intelligence. Dr. Brackett explains, “Emotions matter. They inform our thinking and decisions, the quality of our relationships, our physical and mental health, and our everyday performance. Emotional intelligence includes the ability to recognize, label, and regulate emotions. These skills are especially important for developing healthy child-parent relationships, problem-solving skills, empathy, and academic performance.” Dr.  Marc Brackett is the Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence . He also is a Senior Research scientist in Psychology and Faculty Fellow in the Edward ...

Weekly Update 10/21

Dear NCHS Family, To cap off a memorable Spirit/Homecoming Week school faculty, students, and alumni gathered at the bonfire and the football game over the weekend to show their support and school pride.  The students had an activity filled week ending with the Homecoming Dance where almost 400 students celebrated by dancing the night away.   Two programs were by sponsored by the PFA this week.   Know your Resources had staff members share their expertise to make parents feel more at ease as their children transition to high school. Parenting Your New Legal Adult was held on Thursday . Parents found this informative and timely as their children are about to head off to college.  As always, I would like to thank the PFA and our staff for putting on important and informative sessions for parents.   The Courant will deliver new editions of the printed paper to subscribers’ houses periodically, and if indicated, notify subscribers via email of ne...