Weekly Update 2/16
Dear NCHS Family, Tech Night New Canaan Public School’s 11th Annual Tech Night is once again bringing together students and technology! We invite all students to take part in this special event on Wednesday, April 5th from 6:30-8:00pm at New Canaan High School. Tech Night is an opportunity for students from grades K-12 to demonstrate scientific investigations that they have created inside and outside of the classroom that show exceptional uses of technology with members of the New Canaan Community. For more information about tech night, click here . Previously sent message - Enjoy Homework over Break The staff met this week and decided to make some changes regarding homework over school breaks. There will not be any assignments due upon return from break (at least for two days) nor will there be any tests. The hope is that families can spend more meaningful time together and that students are not focused on their work. Our college level courses may require ...