
Showing posts from February, 2017

Weekly Update 2/16

Dear NCHS Family, Tech Night New Canaan Public School’s 11th Annual Tech Night ​ is once again bringing together students and technology! We invite all students to take part in this special event on Wednesday, April 5th from 6:30-8:00pm at New Canaan High School. Tech Night is an opportunity for students from grades K-12 to demonstrate scientific investigations that they have created inside and outside of the classroom that show exceptional uses of technology with members of the New Canaan Community. For more information about tech night, click here . Previously sent message - Enjoy Homework over Break The staff met this week and decided to make some changes regarding homework over school breaks.  There will not be any assignments due upon return from break (at least for two days) nor will there be any tests. The hope is that families can spend more meaningful time together and that students are not focused on their work. Our college level courses may require ...

Weekly Update 2/10

Dear NCHS Family, I hope that everyone weathered the storm safely and enjoyed the day yesterday.  I want to thank Stan Sarafin and the entire custodial staff for a job well done on getting the parking lots and walkways clear and ready for us today.   A Reminder From the Nurses Office: As influenza continues to spread across our community and the state, we want to remind you of the importance of staying home while you are actively sick.  This is an important piece in halting the spread of influenza.  The flu is spread by direct contact from sneezing and coughing.  This is why covering your mouth is so crucial.  The flu is also spread by indirect contact from contaminated hands and touching articles soiled with secretions.  Handwashing is our defense! Here are some guidelines from the Center for Disease Control: The period of communicability is usually the day before symptoms and up to 5 days after becoming sick. If you take an an...

Weekly Update 2/3

Dear NCHS Family, A note from our nurses…. Illness has certainly hit our school district.  We wanted to send a reminder of a few tips to help stop the spread of sickness. 1.  Wash your hands frequently! 2.  Keep your hands away from your mouth, nose and eyes. 3.  Stay home if you have a fever, a cough or runny nose you can not contain.. 4.  Cover your cough with the inside of your elbow.   5.  Get plenty of sleep 6.  Drink lots of fluids.  Hydrated cells can fight off germs much better. 7.  Use your own pen and don't share it. 8.  Be mindful of surfaces such as bannisters and door knobs. I know our custodians are working hard to keep our schools extra clean. The link below has good info from the CDC: Some parents have asked for information about Vaping. I’ve include a segment that I ran in December. I hope that this is helpful. Vaping: We are always...