Weekly Update 11/11
Dear NCHS Family,
Veteran’s Day:
Today, every junior year US History and American Studies class had the opportunity to talk with a small group of Veterans in their classroom setting about their service. We are honored to have an amazing group of Veterans participating this year ranging from residents of New Canaan as well as several teachers and family members of teachers along with a couple of former students. There will be more pictures in the next Social Studies weekly update contribution.
Turkey Bowl Update from Mr. Jay Egan:
Thanksgiving Football
New Canaan vs. Darien
Thursday, November 24th 10:30 a.m.
Dunning Stadium @ New Canaan High School
(no same-day tickets available)
We expect that there will be considerable interest in the 2016 New Canaan /Darien Thanksgiving Day “Turkey Bowl” football game. For the past two years, this game has been the FCIAC Championship and has been played at Boyle Stadium in Stamford. This year’s game is being hosted by New Canaan High School and will take place in Dunning Stadium, which has significantly less capacity than Boyle Stadium. To maintain a safe and orderly event, we will not be selling tickets the day of the game. Each high school will pre-sell tickets beginning on Monday, November 21st. Stadium gates will open Thanksgiving morning at 8:45 a.m. Seating will be on a first come, first serve basis. We have factored in standing room to the total number of tickets being sold. Everyone with a ticket will be admitted to the game.
Please be aware that parking on-site will be limited. Off-site parking will be available at Saxe Middle School, South Elementary School, and Waveny Park.
No food, drink, backpacks or bags will be allowed in the stadium the day of the game. There will also be no re-entry to the stadium. There is no provision for lost tickets.
All Tickets $10 - Students will need to purchase a ticket. No Passes or student ID’s will be honored.
Tickets on sale at New Canaan in Gym Foyer:
Monday, 11/21 12:00-5:00
Tuesday, 11/22 12:00-5:00
Wednesday, 11/23 12:00-4:00
Maximum Ticket Purchase: 10 per visit.
Quarter one grades are now live on PowerSchool. Please contact your teacher if you have any concerns or questions. We want all students to reach their fullest potential and our excellent home/school partnership is what allows that to happen.
Emotional Intelligence Speaker:
Nationally Acclaimed Speaker, Marc Brackett, Ph.D., will be coming to New Canaan to speak to parents on Tuesday, November 29, 7:00-8:30 pm in the New Canaan High School Auditorium. For more information click here.
CTEEA Teacher of the Year:
On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to attend the Connecticut Technology & Engineering Education Association (CTEEA) Teacher of the Year presentation. This year the group has selected our Jim Zambarano as the 2016 Teacher of the Year. You can see a picture from the presentation below.
Pictures from around NCHS:
Upcoming Events:
11/11,12 The Wizard of Oz, 7:00 Fri, 2:00 & 7:00 Sat, NCHS Auditorium
11/17 Parent Networking, gr.10 & 11 Wagner Room 9:30 am
11/17 Art Show opening
Wishing you all the best,
Bill Egan
Department News:
Social Studies Department News:
The Civics classes shared the results of the school-wide mock election with the TV Broadcasting program during last Friday’s broadcast. Following the actual election, students in many classes, particularly the senior electives, spent some of the second half of the week analyzing the results on the local, state and national level. This included discussions in AP Comparative Government, Civics and AP Government classes. In Psychology classes, Ms. Greco’s students had a very meaningful discussion about the election, weaving in psychological principles as appropriate and giving kids who needed one a voice.
In AP World History. the newly inaugurated Plato award for the enlightenment knowledge competition was decided this week. Our winners this year are Kant, Bacon and Diderot. Students had fun demonstrating their knowledge about the Enlightenment through a campaign poster, political speech and salon.
Today for Veterans Day every junior year US History and American Studies class had the opportunity to talk with a small group of Veterans in their classroom setting for a period about their service. We are honored to have an amazing group of Veterans participating this year ranging from residents of New Canaan as well as several teachers and family-members of teachers along with a couple of former students. Stay tuned for pictures in the next Social Studies newsletter contribution.
VPA News:
NCHS Theatre is proud to present the underclassmen musical production of “The Wizard of Oz”. Come and discover the magical power of home, a tale that has been entertaining audiences for generations. Performances will be held on Friday, November 11@ 7:00pm and Saturday, November 12 @ 2:00pm & 7:00pm. All performances will be held at the New Canaan High School Auditorium and tickets are $15 and $18 and may be purchased online at www.newcanaanhighschooltheatre.com
Annual Grapefruit Fundraiser benefitting the NCHS Choral Program and our local food banks:
The New Canaan High School Choral Program’s traditional GRAPEFRUIT FUNDRAISER has begun! The grapefruit sale has been staple during the holidays in New Canaan for many years and helps to support our Music in the Parks festival performance in May. This year, the fundraiser will directly fund the Concert Choir’s performance at Yale University’s Woolsey Hall in December, collaborating with the New Haven Civic Orchestra and St. Luke’s School of New Canaan.
Send or drop off payment to the New Canaan High School Choir, 11 Farm Road, New Canaan, CT 06840. Checks should be made out to "NCHS Choral Fund" for $22 per box.
Please join us for an evening of music on Wednesday December 14, 7:00 pm at the beautiful St. Mark's Episcopal Church in New Canaan. The choirs will be performing selections from Handel’s MESSIAH as well as featured soloists and holiday selections.
Science Department News:
Teachers in our department has been feverishly working to wrap up first quarter grades this week but that has not stopped the learning in the classroom. Mr. Dockum’s AP Environmental Science classes took their annual field trip to Lakeview Cemetery Monday during their lab period to collect some basic demographic data on New Canaan’s past populations. Students utilize this data to analyze survivorship patterns of three past population cohorts, those born between 1750 and 1839, between 1840 and 1919 and those born after 1920. Students use the survivorship curve to analyze both social and economic changes that has occured in our local area during past 250 years.
Our Biology classes are continuing to work through their microbiology unit and Mrs. Cheida’s classes utilized our collaborative lab to investigate zoonotic viruses such as Ebola, SARS or Zika. Students spent time researching these emergent viruses focusing on the origin, transmission, symptoms and any areas that have current outbreaks. Students then utilized the collaborative lab to design and produce their project. The final product for this project is a “movie poster” in which students need to communicate their background information as well as the “human impact” that each emergent virus has had. Below, groups are working through the initial design process of their movie posters. We look forward to seeing the final products.