Weekly Update 4/21
Dear NCHS Family,
Junior Prom
As you may know, on April 6th the Italian Center of Stamford, where we were scheduled to hold our Junior Prom suffered a significant fire. Our priorities in finding another venue were that we try to preserve the same date and the site remain nearby. Fortunately, the Water's Edge at Giovanni's is able to accommodate us tonight, Friday, April 21, so we have moved the Junior Prom to this location at 2748 Boston Post Road, Darien. All other expectations, including the time of 7-11pm, remain the same. Thanks especially to Mr. Paul Gallo and Ms. Priscilla Schulz for working under such short notice and over vacation to make this happen!
We look forward to a memorable and safe evening!
NC Color Run:
In honor of its 50th Anniversary, we have created a new fundraiser, the NC Color Run (which replaces the door-to-door campaign of years past). It’s a run/walk through Waveny, open to all ages and will be a blast. Please check out the NCSF website (nchs-sf.org) for more information. For this event, we would love to see every student participate and make a goal of at least $100 through their personal fundraising pages. I ask that you please encourage your kids to do their part - without them, we cannot reach our goal. This year, we hope to raise $100,000.
For more information on:
- Volunteering at NC Color Run, click here
I hope you and your family will join us on April 29th for this great event! Thank you in advance for your support of the NCHS Scholarship Foundation.
Graduation Date:
NCHS Graduation is set for Tuesday, June 20 at Dunning Stadium at 5:00 pm.
Bill Egan
Upcoming Events:
4/21 Junior Prom 7-11 pm Water’s Edge at Giovanni’s
4/25 PFA Gr 11 Parent Networking 9:30 am Wagner Room
4/27 PFA Gr 12 Parent Networking 9:30 am Wagner Room
4/27 Senior Art Show Opening 5-7 pm NCHS Lobby
4/27 Senior Recital/Cabaret 7:00 pm Wagner Room
4/28, 29 Annual Drama Festival 7-9:30 pm NCHS Auditorium
4/29 Scholarship Color Run, 9:00 am Waveny
Pictures From Around NCHS This Week:
A special Thank You to our PFA and their volunteers for the wonderful expression of appreciation for our staff on Thursday. It was enjoyed by all!
Department Updates:
Department Updates:
New Canaan High School State Champions
The New Canaan High School TSA/TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science) teams recently competed in the national competition. Forty eight students participated and the Varsity B team took home 2nd place in the state, while Varsity A took home a 6th place. Additionally, they were ranked 5th and 9th respectively in the nation, within their division. The competition, conducted on March 17th, pits teams from high schools all over the nation in a competition about a series of engineering problems centered around a particular theme. This year’s theme was “Engineering the Environment”, and the students, as teams of eight, used their engineering skills to tackle challenges in areas focused on Global Climate Change, Water Treatment, Biometric Fluid Dynamics, Smart Cars, Closed System Ecosystems, Geothermal Heat Pumps, The Washington DC Metro System, and Energy Efficient Homes, bringing to light issues that engineers are facing now and will face in the future. The team members are:
Varsity ‘B’ – State # 2 and Nationally #5
From L to R: Will Sturcke, Andrew Shizari, Quinn Curren, Jackson Appelt, Cameren Dayton, Cameron Rhind, Team Captain Dana Lurie, and Teddy Holoppa
Varsity ‘A’ – State # 6, Nationally #13
From L to R, Jack Rechtermann, Michael St. George, Jai Ansh, Jason Campe, Team Captain Trevor DeGhengi, Tyler Hill, Jake Grigsby, and Bhaskar Abhiraman
From L to R, Jack Rechtermann, Michael St. George, Jai Ansh, Jason Campe, Team Captain Trevor DeGhengi, Tyler Hill, Jake Grigsby, and Bhaskar Abhiraman
VPA News:
NCHS Students Write, Produce and Perform plays!
The New Canaan High School Theatre program presents the 27th Annual Drama Festival. Students enter one act plays based on a theme and 4 are chosen and performed. This year’s theme is “Oops”. In addition to writing the original pieces, the students are in charge of all aspects of the productions such as casting, directing, and costumes. The winners of the festival this year are: First Place: The Republic of Lorania by Bhaskar Abhiraman, Second Place: The (Not So) Common Mistake by Wyatt Lysenko, Third Place: The World's Most Dangerous Card Game by Joseph Turner, Fourth Place: An Anarchist In Paradiso by Nick LaMorte and an honorable mention goes to Oops! Did I Really Just Say That? by Emma Turner.
Please join us for a wonderful evening of performances! Performances will be April 28 and April 29 at 7:00pm at the NCHS auditorium stage. Tickets are $12 and will be sold at the door only (cash or check only). The Lobby Box Office opens at 6:30pm.
NCHS VPA Celebrates its Seniors!
Thursday, April 27th marks a very special time for a group of New Canaan High School seniors as they share their talents in an evening of art and music! Our Thirtieth Annual Senior Art Exhibition: The Greatest Show on Earth will share senior work and features, one-person retrospectives, in a variety of media including drawing, painting, photography, digital media, sculpture and film. The Opening Reception which includes live music and complimentary refreshments starts at 5:00 and runs until 7:00 and at that time select NCHS band, choir and orchestra musicians will present their Senior Music Showcase/Cabaret in the Wagner Room. Both events are open to the public.
The art show will be on display through June 9th and is open to the public during school hours 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. As in past years, many of the art works are for sale.
The art show will be on display through June 9th and is open to the public during school hours 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. As in past years, many of the art works are for sale.
Social Studies News:
Recently, four NCHS students Faustino Cortina, Alex Urbahn, Cole Kammerer, and Will Sturcke
competed in the National Economics Challenge run by the Council for Economic Education. Although only our first time competing, we scored among the top teams in the state. As the NCHS Economics program grows in the coming years, we look forward to advancing to the semi-finals and participating in other economic competitions.
Participants in the National Economics Challenge, from left to right: Faustino Cortina, Alex Urbahn, Cole Kammerer, and Will Sturcke
The Model United Nations Club recently attended Dartmouth College's annual high school conference (DARTMUN XII). This year, ten of our delegates were recognized for their diplomatic skills including:
Verbal Commendation: Jane Jiang, Kevin Brunner, Katie Lydon
Honorable Mention: Kate Reeves, Theo Nelson
Best Delegate: Cat Levine, Dana Lurie, Clarisse Allehaut
Best Postion Paper: Julianna Leung, Nick LaMorte
Science Department News:
The NCHS Science department hopes that everyone had a wonderful and relaxing break. AP Science classes have been gearing up for their exams which start on May 1st. AP classes are busy getting their last content pieces covered and have started the review process. Best of luck to all of our students who will be testing in the coming weeks.
As mentioned above, last month we had held the annual TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science) competition here at NCHS. Over 45 students took part in the three components of this competition. While we were away for break the results were released and as we have been accustomed to in recent years, the results are very impressive. Our Varsity B team took home 2nd place in the state, while Varsity A took placed in 6th place. Additionally, they were ranked 5th and 9th respectively within their division nationally. The solid results did not end there as our JV team placed 5th overall in the state and 16th nationally in their division. A complete list of result are below. Congratulations to all who participated as well as Mr. Reid and Mr. Hague for their coaching and guidance.
TEAMS Varsity Overall State and National Rankings
Team B - 2 / 5 (Qualified for Nationals)
Team A - 6 / 13 (Qualified for Nationals)
Team E - 9 / 41 (Qualified for Nationals)
Team C - 10 / 42 (Qualified for Nationals)
Team D - 15 / 49
TEAMS JV Overall State and National Rankings
Team A 5 / 16
School Counseling News:
School Counselors spoke to freshmen parents at the PFA meeting about the roadmap through high school this week which was widely attended. Then on Thursday evening, the counselors presented a panel of college admissions professionals to sophomore and junior parents. Representatives from Dartmouth, Elon, College of the Holy Cross, Texas Christian University and UCONN spoke to the assembly of parents and students about the admissions process and steps needed to craft a successful search and outcome. Counselors are also working closely with seniors as they make final decisions on their plans for next year. They are also connecting with colleges checking on students’ status on waitlists as we get closer to May 1st - the national decision day. Was vacation just last week?