Weekly Update 9/29

Dear NCHS Family,

Our Student of the Month Program began this week.  Students selected are nominated by the faculty and final selections are made via a committee.  A big thank you to the PFA for helping with the purchase and setup of the display cases.  Please stop by to see the display when you are in the building.

Below is an explanation of the Student of the Month Program.  

The October Student of the Month winners are below.  We have so many deserving candidates and two will be chosen by grade level each month.

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Congratulations to the faculty winners!  - They are our amazing custodians and administrative assistants for getting the building ready to function with class!  In future months, students and community members will have the opportunity to nominate staff. We appreciate all of you!

A special thank you to the parents for making Open House such a wonderful evening.  Parents had so many wonderful things to share about our teachers and programs.  We appreciate and thank you for your continuous support!

Ms. Hamill's Connections group designed a chalk message "BeYOUtiful NCHS" at the front entrance of the school to encourage everyone to celebrate and be aware of each person's authenticity at NCHS.

One second everyday has been updated. Click on the video below to see the year in review so far!

Today was our annual club fair. The kids always enjoy the club fair. I am amazed at the good work that our students do outside of NCHS.

I look forward to seeing you at the many events throughout the year.

As always, thank you for your support!

Be well and stay healthy NCHS!

Bill Egan

Upcoming Events:

10/2 BOE Meeting Wagner Room 7pm
10/3 Progress Reports
10/6     NCHS Fitness  Walk 7:15 am Meet at Flagpole
10/7 Grade 9 Networking 9:30-11:00am
10/9 ACT Exam

Pictures from around NCHS:
Weekly TV Broadcast:

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Department News:

Administrator’s Perspective:
Mr. Gusitsch wraps up a four week blog series on stakeholders in education, focusing on our most important asset, “Students”. There is also an updated 1SE (One Second Everyday) clip. Feel free to check it out, here.

NCHS Fitness Challenge:
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​In Recognition of the preventative and therapeutic benefits of exercise




Earth Science students recently completed activities involving the four areas of Earth Science - geology, oceanography, meteorology and astronomy.  Here students are seen participating in a lab on classification.

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AP Biology students are shown working on a lab on osmosis.

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Students in Forensics are learning how to dust for fingerprints and analyze them for unique characteristics. This will be leading up to using these skills to solve a crime.

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Students in Honors Biology classes were engaged in building 3-dimensional models of molecules.

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NCHS senior Luke Stewart  has been selected as the "Harbor Watch Student of the Year" for 2017. Please see information on Harbor Watch here:  http://earthplace.org/page/harborwatchpurposehistory

English:  Open house is in the books for the English Department!  On Monday we welcomed parents into our classrooms and discussed reading lists and the writing process at NCHS.  Many teachers reported how wonderful it was to catch up with parents who have children in their classes before and to be able to share the wonderful work our students do with the community.
In classroom news, Mr. Remley’s AP Lit students created verse narratives utilizing kennings (figurative nouns created through compound words) to describe heroic moments in their own lives. In an effort to support and encourage reading and literacy, several teachers are starting the year with a student choice unit where students select and independently read a book of their choosing.    In Ms. Fitzpatrick’s classroom, her ninth graders are working on their personal narratives, meanwhile the tenth grade team is busy administering and preparing to score the fall reading benchmark

VPA News:

The Advanced Filmmaking II seniors are showcasing the video projects they made over the summer at various pre-college programs in this years NCHS Summer Art Show. The movies are on display near the main office and exhibit their exploration of narrative filmmaking through comedy, suspense and drama. Each film took weeks of planning, writing, directing and editing with small production groups of students from all over the country. Each of these students was granted a scholarship from the Bernice Dobkin Hall Summer Art Scholarship, funded by our NCHS Fritz Eager Foundation for Art Education. Charlie Hane, Jack Dunn and Isaac Marshall all received scholarships to study the Art of Filmmaking or screenwriting over the summer. Take some time to sit and enjoy each of their works!

Charlie Hane "Five String".png
Charlie Hane “Five String”
Pre-college Program: Northwestern University

Jack Dunn "Silent But Deadly".png
Jack Dunn “Silent But Deadly”
Pre-college Program: NYU Tisch

Isaac Marshall "Let me In".png

Isaac Marshall “Let Me In”
Pre-college Program: School of Visual Arts

World Language:
We were all very excited to meet all of the parents at Open House!

Mandarin 3/3H
After completing a unit on Chinese geography students in level 3 Mandarin are now learning all about the Chinese language from simplified to traditional writing styles to transliterations. As a cultural tie-in to our unit on the origins of the Chinese language, students will begin to learn about the ancient styles of calligraphy and their origins. Calligraphy is considered the highest art form in China and with this in mind, it is possible that later this year all students of Mandarin will participate in a field trip to NYC to view the permanent calligraphy exhibit at the Met.

Mandarin students in the the WL Lab.

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