6/8 Weekly Update
Dear NCHS Family,
Rising Above:
Today, we celebrated Ryan Airey, Teddy DeClue, Emily Gelchie, Tiffany Kiogora, Stephen Riccardi, Sarah Murphy and Zoe Spencer at the Rising Above Ceremony. This award is given to students for “rising above” difficult situations, turning things around at school or putting forth extraordinary effort to reach a goal and to students who give of themselves to assist others.
NCHS Scholarship Foundation:
Recipients of the NCHS Scholarship Foundation were presented their Endowed/Named award at a breakfast this morning. Future general scholarship awards will be named at a later date.
Congratulations to all!
One Second Everyday:
“Life is made of seconds.” Check out a few seconds from everyday of the 2017-18 school year (so far), showcasing so much of what makes NCHS great!
Pro tip: want to enjoy it more? Set your youtube setting to play at .75 speed
"Wellness (noun): the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health."
Building off the success of the Midterm Wellness Offerings, we are offering several options to provide meaningful experiences in between exams to de-stress, re-engage, prepare and support the brain-body connection. As this takes a team of people to move this forward, we thank everyone who helps make this happen!
NCTV Broadcast:
Click here to see this week's Broadcast!
Be well NCHS!
Bill Egan
Upcoming Events:
June 15-21 Final Exams
June 18 BOE Meeting - 7pm Wagner Room
June 20 Senior Athletic Picnic - Gym; 12:00 pm Picnic, 1:00 pm Awards
June 20 Senior Internship Reception - 5pm Auditorium
June 21 Senior Breakfast - Cafeteria - 9:30 am
Senior Graduation Rehearsal - 10:30 am Cafeteria
June 21 NCHS Graduation - 5pm
Department News:
Social Studies:
On Tuesday, several teachers joined the 8th grade Social Studies Team at Saxe for a workshop on the DBQ Project. Ms. Rothschild, Ms. Greco, Ms. Patrizzi, Ms. Bacon, and Ms. Arastu worked on improving our work with documents considering methods and approaches of the DBQ Project. Document Based Questions are important to the work of students in all of our history classes. The questions ask students to analyze primary and secondary source documents, consider multiple points of view, understand the context of important historical events and analyze their importance.
Several sections of 10th grade Global History II are designing monuments in the makerspace to commemorate important events of the Cold War. Early next week, they will pitch their monument proposals to their classmates.
Students in Ms. Rothschild’s 9th grade Global History I sections conducted a Trial of Ghengis Khan, trying him for crimes against humanity.
Below are several soap sculptures representing Islamic and Byzantine art and architecture produced by students in Ms. Browner's Global History I class.
Students in M4 Algebra 2 are creating memes that address common mistakes or misconceptions within the second semester. Below are a few examples!!!!
“Being A Girl in Today’s World”
Photo student Ava Nichols won first place in the Seventeen Magazine Cover Design Contest created by the non-profit organization, LiveGirl. Ava is pictured here with her winning design and Laura Brounstein, the Director of Editorial and Business Development for both Seventeen and Cosmopolitan magazine. Ms.Brounstein was the guest speaker and one of the judges in the competition at the “Being A girl in Today’s World” conference at UConn, Stamford on June 1st. Congratulations Ava!!
Mead Savage Highlighted in Greenwich Post
Mead Savage's painting was in the Greenwich Post regarding the Bruce Museum Art exhibition, please click on this link for the full article:
https://www.greenwich-post.com/65064/bruce-museums-icreate-exhibition-showcases-high-school-artwork/Only 44 works were accepted out of over 700, and 4 of Ms. Core’s student works are in the show. Congratulations!
Advanced Filmmaking:
Final Film Projects
The Advanced Filmmaking Classes are wrapping up the year with a variety of creative film projects. Some independent, some collaborative, all communicated through different styles and approaches to filmmaking! Check out the movie posters and videos below...
Building Lifetime Achievers: 2018 K-12 All Access Awards Winner, 2nd Place Documentary
And New Age Film Festival, Best Overall Documentary
Click on this link to read the library update!