9/7 Weekly Update
I hope that everyone had a great week at New Canaan High School. It appears the weather is going to break and we will finally have some cooler weather.
Open House:
NCHS Open House/Freshman Parent Orientation will be held on Thursday, September 13. Please see my Open House letter here.
The Freshman Parent Orientation starts at 6:30 pm followed by Open House for all grades - arrival at 7:00 pm, class visit schedule starts promptly at 7:15 pm. Please see the schedule NCHS Open House Schedule and map
Homecoming Dance:
This year the Homecoming Dance, sponsored by the Student Coalition, will be on Saturday September 29th from 7-10 p.m and have a “Footloose” theme and is a Sadie-Hawkins! The ENTIRE school is encouraged to attend this event that supports fund raising for our senior class.
If girls do not want to ask a boy - no worries - groups can come together .. all are welcome... just come and have some fun!
Tickets will be on sale in the cafeteria starting next week and on school cash online.
There will be more details on Spirit Week and all of the activities in the coming weeks.
Wellness Resources:
The PFA wants to make sure that it partners with the school and community on student wellness. The PFA will be doing activities and providing resources to staff, students and families throughout the year. Please make sure to check out the PFA website to see important community resources. Feel free to click on this link to check out some community resources that the PFA has put together.
PFA Welcome Back:
Next week is the annual PFA welcome back general meeting. I look forward to seeing everyone and I hope the year is off to a wonderful start.
One Second Everyday:
Please click on the link below to see the latest edition of One Second Everyday:
Enjoy the long weekend. Our athletics program got started with games this week. I look forward to seeing you at athletic and Visual and Performing Arts events throughout the year.
Bill Egan
Upcoming Events:
9/10 No School, Rosh Hashanah
9/12 PFA Welcome Back Coffee - The Plan for 2018-2019 Wagner Rm. 9:30 a.m.
9/13 NCHS Open House 7:15pm (6:30pm Freshman Parents)
Pics from around NCHS:
Department News:
Electronic Ticketing Program - The New Canaan Athletic Department is implementing an electronic ticketing system beginning next week. All students will be able redeem a free season pass.
Students should visit the New Canaan GO FAN website https://gofan.co/app/school/CT20030 , select the NCHS Student All Sport Pass and click on the Buy Now button. You will be asked to enter your NCHS pin number. Redeeming the pass is free.
Live Streaming Opportunity: Additionally, more information will be coming soon on how parents can purchase and view games via live streaming in the gymnasium and Dunning Stadium. Information will be disseminated next week, but we wanted to give you some advance notice on this exciting opportunity. Expect details via an email next week.
The Algebra Math Center conducted a discussion about what makes "Perfect Directions". Students were given the task of recreating images given a set of verbal directions. The discussion included how often times students in mathematics can be easily confused when the directions are too vague as well as too detailed. Students also talked about how some directions are interpreted differently by each student depending on the topic, the task at hand, and level of experience.
Career & Technical Education:
Family and Consumer Sciences:
The first week of school, Ms. Zilly’s classes spent a lot of time getting to know each other and team building. Every class competed in the “Marshmallow Challenge” one day; working in groups to construct the tallest structure possible with provided supplies that could support a single marshmallow. It was a lot of fun and got very intense!!!
Technology Education:
TV Broadcasting - Students have been discussing the TV industry - more specifically their personal viewing habits, how their taste in TV shows has changed over the years, and all the different ways they watch TV. We also analyzed commercials to learn about ratings, demographics and the business side of TV. Next week, student will learn how to shoot high quality video.
Advanced TV Broadcasting - NCTV has been quite busy the first week of school, having broadcast live news shows the past two Fridays. You can watch today’s broadcast here:
Students also spent time getting to know one another, discussing the type of classroom environment they’d like to cultivate and what’s important to them as team.
If you missed the first broadcast of the year you can watch it on here on NCTV’s Youtube channel.
Students also spent time getting to know one another, discussing the type of classroom environment they’d like to cultivate and what’s important to them as team.
VPA News:
Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in the 2018 Summer Art Show that showcases NCHS’ creative art from over the past few months. Photography, drawing, painting, prints, videos, sculptures, pottery, jewelry and more will be on display! Please see an Art Teacher if you have any questions or would like to include a last minute submission. The Summer Art Exhibition will be open to the public in the NCHS Main Lobby Art Gallery on Thursday, September 13th for Open House and will remain up through November 2nd. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to share your creative summer experiences!
From the Library: https://nchslibraryinfo.blogspot.com/