5/5 Weekly Update
Dear NCHS Family,
NC Color Run:
Last Saturday, we held the first annual NC Color Run and kids color dash. There were over 1200 people that registered for the event and we raised much needed funds for the New Canaan High School Scholarship Foundation. This was a true community event and I was thrilled to be a part of something that everyone seemed to enjoy. Please check out the NCSF website (nchs-sf.org) for more information. Thank you for being such a caring and supportive community and a special thank you to the countless volunteers who made this event happen! I put a few pictures in from around NCHS this week, but feel free to enjoy pictures on the PFA Flickr feed here.
Car Wash:
The National Honor Society is having a car wash this Saturday, May 6th from 10am-2pm. It will be $5 per car. Come on down and get the pollen off your car!!!
Graduation Date:
NCHS Graduation is set for Tuesday, June 20 at Dunning Stadium at 5:00 pm.
Bill Egan
Upcoming Events:
5/9 NCHS Band Concert 7pm
5/10 PFA General Meeting with Bill Egan 9:30 am Faculty Lounge
5/10 Concert Choir and Madrigal Ensemble 7pm St. Mark’s Church
5/11 NCHS Orchestra Concert 7pm
Pictures From Around NCHS This Week:
Department Updates:
VPA News:
Join us next week for some fabulous evenings of music!
Next week, the NCHS Music Department will perform their Spring concerts here at the school and at St. Mark's Episcopal Church.
Tuesday, May 9 - 7:00pm - NCHS Band and Jazz Band in the auditorium
Wednesday, May 10 - 7:00pm - NCHS Concert Choir and Madrigal Ensemble at St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Thursday, May 11 - 7:00pm - NCHS Orchestra in the auditorium
Tuesday, May 9 - 7:00pm - NCHS Band and Jazz Band in the auditorium
Wednesday, May 10 - 7:00pm - NCHS Concert Choir and Madrigal Ensemble at St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Thursday, May 11 - 7:00pm - NCHS Orchestra in the auditorium
Music Tech Classes
Students in Mrs. Moody’s Music Tech 2 classes are busy writing music for the annual FLTR mix-tape. This year, Music Tech 4 senior Nicole Howard-Krog is putting in many extra hours writing the graduation recessional which will be featured on FLTR 2017 The Mix which premieres in June.
Social Studies Department News:
The Civics spring semester classes convened in the Wagner room last Friday for the Courts Project. Students in Ms. Goldhawk and Mr. Joshi’s sections spent much of the morning comparing the decisions of Supreme Courts throughout U.S. history, examining both the influence of the Court of society and society’s influence on the Court. Their work was tackled with the aid of student-created posters displayed around the room, conversations with classmates and research to fill in any gaps. The photograph below offers one view of the event.
Students in our AP Social Studies classes spent this week in preparations for and taking national Advanced Placement exams. Their work has ranged from attending afternoon or night-time review sessions to taking practice tests and challenging each other in review activities and games.
For example, students in AP European History are reviewing for the exam by creating huge review timelines and games, such a Kahoot and Jeopardy. One group even created a history song/rap to highlight the key people, events, and concepts.
Our Social Studies students sat this week for Advanced Placement exams in United States History, Psychology, and United States Government and Politics. Next week brings Comparative Government and Politics, World History, Micro and Macro Economics and European History. Best of luck to everyone taking these challenging exams! This is a great opportunity for all their coursework and preparation to be recognized!
Science Department News:
Happy Friday!! We want everyone to know that our resident Astronomer, Tim Haag, will be presenting a program on the “Spring Constellations" Friday evening, May 5th at 7 PM at the Stamford Observatory. While the weather's not looking great for stargazing, the program will go on rain or shine. The link below provides details for those interested. All are welcome.
As many of our students are taking part in their AP exams this week and next, there are a variety of activities that are going on in the depart aside from all the studying. This week some of our biology classes took to the dissecting tables as they focused the the adaptations a frog has to survive in its habitat. The dissection gave students a deep look into these adaptations and also allows for student to observe some of the traits the frog shares with its predecessors and descendants. Lastly students took the opportunity to identify similarities between humans and frogs, some of which include organs, basic body structure, respiratory and circulatory systems.
Our Earth Science classes are at the beginning of a unit that focuses on the Earth-Moon-Sun system and the pattern found within. Students below are using changes in the phases of the moon to determine the time of day. As the moon orbits around the Earth it can be seen at different points in the sky each day. Being able to decipher this pattern is the key to understanding and being able to utilize the ancient astronomical clock.
School Counseling News:
Counselors have been meeting with sophomores to discuss initial steps in beginning to think about the post-secondary planning process. All students logged back in to Naviance and worked on a survey based on the Myers Briggs assessment that asked them to look at who they are and what their strengths are. Most students found the results accurate. In our next meeting we will tie the results to possible careers, college majors and the college search process, as they discover the many tools available to them in Naviance and other programs.
Counselors also met with Department Chairs to review the appeals applications submitted by students, in combination with 3rd quarter grades and teacher input, to determine placement in next year’s courses. We are also working closely with our seniors as they make final decisions about their plans for next year.