Weekly Update - 5/12

Dear NCHS Family,

The time of celebration has begun at New Canaan High School. This week featured a Scholar-Athlete dinner at the Aqua Turf where 1800 student athletes from around the state were honored. NCHS honorees were Jackson Appelt and Molly Keshin.  While it was hard to choose from so many talented student athletes, our students represent NCHS and the community so well and Molly and Jackson truly represent the values that we want in our student athletes.  

Our Visual And Performing Arts Program had a busy week.  We had three different celebrations. There were separate performances honoring band, choir and orchestra. I am alway blown away by the talent of our student body.

I hope that I get to see many of you at some of our end of the year celebrations.  

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. I am sure that your children are so thankful for everything that you do for them.  I know that I can speak for the staff and say thank you for sending us kind, compassionate and talented students.  They are the ultimate testimony to your hard work and love.  I hope that you all have a day to celebrate you!


NCHS Graduation is set for Tuesday, June 20 outside at Dunning Stadium at 5:00 pm.
If needed, there will be a rain date on Wednesday, June 21.

As always, thank you for your support!

Be well and stay healthy NCHS!

Bill Egan

Upcoming Events:
5/15 BOE Meeting, Wagner Room 7 pm
5/17 Ramstock 6:30 pm Cafeteria
5/19 Senior Prom/Post Prom 7 pm Stamford Marriott

Pura Vida for Children Club
Pura Vida hosts an annual food packing event where students, families, and adults come to NCHS and work as a team to provide food for children in need. This year, their packing event will be held on Saturday, May 20 and Sunday, May 21. It is a community event and they still have many open slots. It is important for them to be filled as it helps to pack more food, therefore helping as many people as possible.

NCHS Bee Foundation
The NCHS Bee Foundation, run by Ms. Cebulski officially installed two hives with bees this week.  All the bees are happy taking care of the queen.

Pictures from around NCHS:


Department News:

World Language:

On April 28, sixty Latin students joined approximately 1600 other Latin students from 54 schools to celebrate CT State Latin Day. Wearing the mandatory Roman attire( obviously our discipuli tunicati wore  red and black!), they ate( a lot!) and participated in many workshops, from calligraphy and mosaic making, to Recitatio(presented by Mr. Harvey) , from  Roman coins to Botany and Greek dancing. Many of our students participated in academic competitions and some results were notable. Theo Nelson got two gold medals(Summa Cum Laude) in Pentathlon - Certatione Pentathlonica (Grammar, History, Civilization, Mythology, Derivatives)  and  History and Civilization,  and an honorable mention(Cum Laude) in Geography. Will Dantini won a gold medal in Ancient Greekand Magna cum Laude(bronze) in History and Civilization. Ana Therese Mehra, who was one of the 815 students out of more than 150,000 students who took the National Latin Exam to score a perfect paper, also won bronze medal in Penthatlon and a gold in Declamation.

English Department:  
It’s a officially portfolio season for the English department!  9th and10th grade students are busy revising their work for submission to their English teachers in the next few weeks.  The two grade level teams will be scoring the portfolios the final week of May.

It’s not too late to take part in the upcoming author visit!  Conor Grennan is coming to NCHS on May 26th to talk about his experiences in the book Little Princes.  Please let your English teacher know that your are interested in attending.

Math Department:  
As part of a lesson on compound interest, students in Ms. Lee's M3 Precalculus classes studied the realities of saving, borrowing, and lending, such as current US savings account interest rates, credit cards, and usury laws. They also used spreadsheets to analyze the payment scheme of a company that charges exorbitant interest rates.

VPA News:
On May 8, guest artist Jon Puzzoli, head of Ceramics at Silvermine Artist's Guild in New Canaan, did a one-day workshop for Ms. Core's three Ceramic classes.  He demoed numerous wheel-thrown ceramic projects including pots, plates, and large vases.  Students were able to watch his mastery of wheel-throwing skills and learned some new techniques for future projects.

CTE Department News:
This week Mrs. O'Connor’s Woodworking classes had the opportunity to visit the Saxe construction and view the auditorium specifically.  O&G Construction gave the students a presentation and then walked the classes through the auditorium.  

Mrs. O'Connor's Woods 1 class worked on designing and calculating the cost of the box they are to create. They also learned different machines along the way, such as the band saw, scroll saw, and table saw.

Mrs. O'Connor's Set Design students worked on their dioramas for the final.  After analyzing movies they chose a scene they wanted to create and developed plans and sketches. They are now creating prototypes (dioramas) and then will begin on creating a physical prop.

Mrs. O'Connor's Woodworking 2 class students worked on their cutting boards and pens.  For those who had down time they chose to work on making more pens to be donated to Mr. Egan.
In Mrs. O'Connor's Woodworking 3 course, development of the chair project continued.

This week Mrs. O'Connor’s Civil Engineering and Architecture class also went to O&G to see the progress of the new buildings construction.  O&G gives a presentation related to the subject matter the class completed. Students just completed structural & foundation loads and wastewater management so they would be directed on those subjects and the next steps within the commercial construction process.

Mrs. O'Connor's 3D Animation class has continued to work on their final project, animating a house.  They have created basic furniture so far - a desk, lamp, couch/chair and an animation of some sort.  They are currently working on creating a vehicle of some type that animates.

3D animation examples:

Ms. Zilly's class has taken on the tedious pie unit. Whoever thought it would take 3 class periods to make one pie! The students had to make the dough, blind bake the crust, making the filling and whip cream topping. In the end, it seems as though it was worth it.... Yum!!!

Mr. Zambarano’s Robotics class has has been working through nine droning units on “What to Know Before You Fly”, a safety checklist for pre and post flight, and their flight logs. Below are some photos of the class in the wrestling room where they are learning basic RC controls such as pitch, roll, yaw and trim.

Library update:
Ms. Whiting and Ms. Luhtala are proud to announce the new library blog!

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