Weekly Update 12/15
Dear NCHS Family,
Recently, we sent a survey to students regarding testing at the high school. 382 students responded to the survey, please see questions below. This is a pretty good sample size and some valuable information was shared by the students that will be used to enhance the learning environment at New Canaan High School. The faculty is addressing the student’s concerns and will report back with an update in the near future. NCHS is determined to have a positive open line of communication with our entire school population.
We also asked the students for individual comments on how we could help change not so much the tests but the amount of tests they receive on a given day. This week has been filled with discussion on ways to decrease student stress around testing. We will continue these conversations into the new year and collectively come up with a plan in the near future.
From the Nurses:
The flu has hit Connecticut. Unfortunately, this year’s flu shot is not as protective as we had hoped. Here are a few tips to keep us well:
- Exercise!
- Eat a healthy diet to boost your immune system.
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Keep your hands away from your face since germs enter through your mouth, nose and eyes.
- Drink plenty of water. Hydrated cells are better able to repel viruses and bacteria.
- Get enough sleep. 7-8 hours for adults. 10 for children and teens. People who sleep less than 7 hours are 3 times more likely to catch a cold.
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow rather than your hands, which can spread the germs.
- Stay home when you have a fever or a cough that can’t be quieted.
- Have a positive attitude. A negative outlook can be harmful to your physical and mental health.
- Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness. Studies show these strategies boost your immune system and activate the calming parasympathetic nervous system.
Vaping: Important information from the Center for Disease Control
As part of continuing to give information on the dangers of Vaping, Head Nurse, Janet Reed, shared this link with the school community.
I look forward to seeing you at the many events throughout the year.
As always, thank you for your support!
Be well and stay healthy NCHS!
Bill Egan
Upcoming Events:
12/19 NCHS Band/Saxe Gr. 8 Concert, NCHS Auditorium 7pm
12/21 Alumni Roundtable - Seniors 9:15 am Wagner Room
12/22 Ugly Sweater Day! Early dismissal 11:30 am
12/25-1/1/18 Holiday break, no school
Pictures from around NCHS:
Department News:
Administrator's Perspective:
This week, Mr. Gusitsch shares a quick look at the recently formed Employee Wellness program and the potential positive impact that it may have on district employees. Feel free to check it out, here.
NCTV Weekly Broadcast:
Congratulations to our November Athletes of the Month: Grade 9, Christian Sweeney (Football); Grade 10, Sophie Potter (Soccer); Grade 1221, Claire Ross (Diving); Grade 12, Max Koschnitze (Cross Country). These students have been chosen by their coaches for exemplifying the Athletic Department’s core values of Responsibility, Accountability, Motivation and Strength of Character — on and off the field.
Winter sports are underway. Boys Varsity Basketball kicks off the season tonight, December 15, at 7pm at home. The first home game for Boys Ice Hockey is next Wednesday, December 20, at our home rink - Darien Ice Rink. Please note, you receive free entrance to home games at Darien Ice Rink with your Booster Membership. If you haven’t done so already, please join the NC Rams All Sports Booster Club at ncrams.com. Happy holidays!!
School Counseling:
Seniors, please let your counselors know of the outcome of your early college applications. If you need help in planning for the next steps, please see us. If you want to send transcripts and materials to colleges with early January deadlines, be sure to see Mrs. Granite by December 20th as our offices are closed over the holiday break and no materials will go out until after we return.
To all PSAT takers: Your PSAT scores should now be available. If you are having trouble accessing your scores, please refer to this video for help.
English Department:
The holidays are upon us, and in the spirit of the season, the Writing Center teachers descended upon Waveny this past Tuesday to help with scoring the Social Studies writing task. It was an amazing feat of reading efficiency as teachers calibrated on scoring and reviewed student work throughout the day.
Junior English classes are now in the midst of the research project, with students gathering sources, producing notecards, and making meaning with their inquiry. In Ms. McCauley’s junior class, students went on “thesis speed-dating”. Students moved through peer feedback on their thesis statements in a timed cycle and helped vette one another's writing.
In Ms. Week’s Senior English ECE class, students are creating multi-modal writing projects using Adobe spark. Students are layering images to create meaning with integrated writing and narration. It certainly sparks interest! Meanwhile in Mr. Remley’s AP English class, students created their own version of a Canto from Dante’s Inferno, and crafted short videos with the poetry as voice-over.
The English department also gathered this past Friday for our annual holiday party, where we caught up with old friends. From all of us, happy holidays!
Science Department News:
Chemistry and Honors Chemistry students use a flame test as they learn how to recognize elements by seeing the colors emitted when energy is lost from electrons.
Honors Chemistry students played Secret Santa, and used Christmas light to study atomic emission spectrum lines.
Physics students recently completed a unit on Newton’s laws and have move on to study momentum. Here students are shown working on labs in these units.
Astronomy students have studied recent celestial phenomena, including this week’s meteor shower. We will have an evening observation next week to view the moon through the telescope.
Earth Science students have begun a unit on Rocks and Minerals and are constructing models of crystals to help in mineral identification and description.
VPA News:
17th Annual NCHS Band Festival will take place on Tuesday, December 19 at 7:00 P.M.
The NCHS Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Saxe 8th Grade Band will combine for another exciting performance in the NCHS Auditorium. It will feature songs from the NCHS Band "Folk Songs from Around the World" repertoire, holiday favorites from the NCHS Jazz Ensemble, and "Valley of Fire" performed by the Saxe 8th Grade Band. The concert will culminate with a combined performance of "Pirates of the Caribbean." This festive and energetic program will be just one hour in length and will end with a reception in the NCHS Cafeteria. Please join us to celebrate music from around the world and songs of the season!

The NCHS Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Saxe 8th Grade Band will combine for another exciting performance in the NCHS Auditorium. It will feature songs from the NCHS Band "Folk Songs from Around the World" repertoire, holiday favorites from the NCHS Jazz Ensemble, and "Valley of Fire" performed by the Saxe 8th Grade Band. The concert will culminate with a combined performance of "Pirates of the Caribbean." This festive and energetic program will be just one hour in length and will end with a reception in the NCHS Cafeteria. Please join us to celebrate music from around the world and songs of the season!
Congratulations to the NCHS Concert Choir and Madrigal Ensemble for a fantastic performance on Wednesday evening at St. Mark’s Church here in New Canaan. The Madrigals also performed last week at the NC Board of Realtors Holiday evening and will sing at Waveny Care Center this Monday afternoon.
World Language:
Mrs Corona's Latin II Honors students are auctioning a famous picture - "Dog in Bed Eating Cake" by Maximus Pupienus. Bidders must know their Roman numerals and how an auction works or they'll inadvertently bid too much!
AP Latin students are writing questions in the AP format on a Padlet and then choose different questions to answer. They can also give thumbs up to certain questions. The teacher moderated the session and answered the questions that were left unanswered.
Latin IV honors, students are tackling in groups the translation of adapted passages from Livy about Scipio Africanus's life and accomplishments.
The Latin Club has its largest membership yet (75 students) and communication and collaboration has increased tenfold since the launching of the web-site (dictionary and search engine included!) and its own Google classroom.
Mandarin language students have been busy incorporating language and culture throughout the year. Level 5 Mandarin students have been researching and presenting material to the class about gender roles in Chinese society from ancient times to present day China.
Level 4 students are now working on important issues facing all societies in general, and China, in particular. Students will find ways to solve some issues using their growing Chinese-language skills. They will begin making a movie about one of the main topics confronting society.
Level 3 recently completed a unit on culture and food. They researched various types of foods and flavors from China’s vast regions and then created a video showing how they prepared a dish.
Finally, our Level 2 students learned about appearance and parts of the body which will lead us into health-related issues in our next unit. Students will address Western vs. traditional Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture and herbal medicine. There will surely be lively discussions about which approach works best!
Below are pictures of the Level 4 students working on their video this week.
Tom Grogan delivers an encore performance of the class choice poem "Isaac" in Honors Latin Poetry