Weekly Update 1/5 (Snow Day Edition)

Dear NCHS Family,

Happy Snow Days! We hope that everyone enjoyed the holiday season and wish everyone all the best in 2018.

Mid Term Exams:

We have decided to move the mid-term exams two days to cover for the lost two days of instruction. The exam schedule is posted on the website, which can be found here.(Format will Be fixed)

In continuing our theme of relieving stress and fostering a positive school climate, we have decided to lengthen the period of time in between exams by fifteen minutes, to one hour. During this time, we will be offering some wellness-enrichment activities between the exam periods for students and staff to have options to de-stress, prepare for upcoming exams, or just have some fun (there is a great amount of research on activity and mood as it relates to positive academic performance). Of course, having quiet spaces for students to study is always going to be an option as well. Please stay tuned for the full list of activity offerings, which will be sent out soon…

New this year, the faculty decided that there should be a period before exams when no new work or assessments are given, so that students can catch their breath before exams. With the revised exam schedule that means that after Thursday, January 11th, teachers will not assign or collect any new out-of-class work nor administer or collect any graded assessments. However, class time during these three days may be used to begin part of the exam. Students' time outside the classroom should be used to prepare for their exams.

Student and staff of the month have been delayed due to the holiday and the weather. We hope to have them out for next week.

Due to a short week and the holiday, we have a shorter weekly update than usual.

Be well and stay healthy NCHS!

Bill Egan

Upcoming Events:
1/8 Board of Ed Meeting 7pm Wagner Room
1/11 Jr. Parents College Planning Meeting w/counselors 7:30 pm
1/15 No School, Martin Luther King Day
1/16-19 January Exams
1/17 NCHS/Saxe PFA Budget Meeting with Dr. Luizzi 9:30 am Wagner Room

Pictures from around NCHS:

Snow Day PICS:

Department News:

School Counseling:
School Counselors are looking at the trends from the early round of college applications for our current seniors as they ready their programs for sophomores and juniors. Prior to the holiday break, Counselors had the opportunity to speak with many of our alumni about their first semesters at college and found our students to be well prepared for the challenges of college life and the changes they have experienced. Their advice to our current seniors at an assembly was well received as they talked about living with roommates, managing their time and becoming independent.

Students in AP Statistics began using the R open-source programming language in their current unit on hypothesis testing. Students will be taking a computer based assessment later this week. R has become a valuable tool for use in undergraduate business courses that utilize the tools of statistical analysis. They looked together at certain business statistics courses taught at UPenn as a motivation to learn this language.

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