Weekly Update 2/9

Dear NCHS Family,

The NCHS Scholarship Foundation has been in existence for 51 years! We hope the entire community will participate April 28 in the NC Color Run which will benefit the NCSF.

The ultimate goal of the NCSF is to help as many of you as possible with financial assistance for your undergraduate education. If you are a senior and are planning on enrolling as a full-time student in a college or university (including technical and vocational schools), you may apply. Eligible students may qualify to receive aid for a maximum of four undergraduate years. Each applicant’s financial status is assessed by the College Scholarship Service. The basis for the Foundation’s decision is the information reported on the financial aid form and analyzed by the Service. The Foundation is using the same data that colleges employ in making their awards. All decisions are based solely on need alone.

For more information on how you may apply for a scholarship, please visit the new NCSF website at http://www.nchs-sf.org. Please be aware that applications must be submitted by May 4th. If you need further information or have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your school counselor or Mrs. Granite in the Guidance Department.

Cell Phones

We are purchasing cell phone holsters for each class at the high school. We are giving the teachers choice on classroom management strategies and wanted to give them the ability to have kids put phones away as the enter the classroom. They are not here yet, but wanted to share this with all of you.

One Second Everyday:

From the School Nurse:

Influenza is very contagious and is spread to others through tiny droplets when people who are infected with the flu cough, sneeze or even talk. In an effort to keep everyone healthy, we appreciate your cooperation in the following for all communicable illnesses:
1. When you have a fever
2. Until you are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications such as
Tylenol or Motrin.
3. When you feel unwell and appear to be sick, even without fever.
4. With vomiting or diarrhea, until 24 hours without symptoms
5. When there is a cough that cannot be controlled or covered.
6. If diagnosed with strep throat, wait for 24 hours after first antibiotic dose
7. If diagnosed with influenza and still symptomatic while on medication
Please wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap.
Practice cough etiquette, covering your mouth and nose. Cough into your elbow
rather than hands which spread germs.
Wipe down phones, keyboards, remotes, doorknobs and other common areas and items.
Replace your toothbrush at the end of an illness
Get plenty of rest and fluids.
Finally, we ask that you notify your school nurse of incidences of the flu.


Please join in welcoming our newest security staff member to the NCHS team, Mr. Hector Garcia. He comes to us with an extensive background in corrections and security and will be an integral part of our safety and security team. Hector was most recently a campus monitor at West School for the past year and a half where he established a good relationship with staff, parents, and students. Hector will be joining Bob and Pat as they circulate throughout the building. Make sure you stop by to say hello when you see him.

Welcome aboard, Hector!

I look forward to seeing you at the many events throughout the year.

As always, thank you for your support!

Be well and stay healthy NCHS!

Bill Egan

Pictures from around NCHS:

Upcoming Events:
2/10 ACT - register at www.actstudent.org
2/16 Professional Learning, no school for students
2/19-2/23 February vacation

Department News:


Here are some photos from our unified basketball game at Westhill H.S. that took place on Tuesday.

English Department:

Doppelganger: (Noun) An apparition or double of a living person. Origin: German for “double-goer”. (OED)

The blogosphere has recently been abuzz with rumors that several members of the English faculty may, in fact, be the same person. What other answer, besides some supernatural soliciting, could explain the appearance of three versions of the same teacher? Rest easy good people, for there is indeed a far less sinister explanation: Outstanding fashion sense!

From around the department, students and teachers have been busy settling into the second semester. In American Studies, students are finishing their Huck Finn literary Essays, while down the hall, student’s in Ms. McCauley’s junior English class are busy reading and performing Streetcar Named Desire. In Ms. Week’s class, sophomore students are reading Elie Wiesel's Night while learning about the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Berlin. In Ms. Steidl’s senior Creative Writing class students are exploring narrative writing and storytelling, while in Lit. and Film students are finishing their first venture into filmmaking by exploring the decisions directors make.

Ending on a note of ghostly apparitions, Mr. Remley’s (pictured above, right, with dopplegangers) AP Lit class has been reading and performing Hamlet. The play’s the thing!


A new semester means new electives for many students.

In Astronomy, students have been learning about the planetarium and lessons have been geared toward learning about the night sky and the constellations that we can see during the winter. Astronomy students also used the planetarium to estimate the number of visible stars in the night sky.

Students new to Marine Science this semester are learning how to care for the fish and invertebrates by checking temperature, nitrates, pH, and salinity. They are also learning about their tank’s occupants and ordering a new organism that will fit in well.

AP Physics C students are shown mapping electric fields and equipotential surfaces.

Physics students are studying circular motion and are shown measuring centripetal acceleration as it is influenced by a centripetal force.

Biology students are shown performing DNA extraction from various fruits (strawberries, blackberries, bananas and kiwi). This is a kick-off lab for the unit on DNA structure, replication and protein synthesis.

Earth Science and Honors Earth Science students created scale model timelines to show the 4.6 billion year history of Earth.

CTE Department News:

NCTV Broadcast:

Advanced TV Broadcasting - Last week students gave up their usual spots in front of the camera and let teachers take over as anchors on The Morning Announcements. Congrats to Mr. Egan, Mrs. Gleason, Mr. Gusitsch and Mr. Killelea for doing an amazing job! If you missed the live show you can watch it here. And this morning, NCTV welcomed Bridget Salmini to the show as the newest sports anchor. You can see Bridget and the other TMA anchors on today's broadcast right here.

Journalism - Students are putting the final touches on the next issue of the Courant, which comes out next week before February break. In the meantime, you can read the latest stories on the their website nchscourant.com.

Graphics Design - While students have only been in the class a few weeks, they're already learning the basics of design and how to use the software program Adobe InDesign. For the first project students designed a creative layout using only their first and last names. And this week, they finished creating a personalized matrix schedule in both printed and digital form.

VPA News:

Seven of our high school musicians were selected for the Connecticut All-State Choir and All-State Orchestra. They competed with thousands of students in the state during 2 auditions for a spot in these prestigious ensembles. Congratulations!

Caroline Callahan, alto

Cassidy Little, alto

Daniel Assis, tenor

Finley Vigliotti, tenor (3-year all-state)

Logan Otis, bass (3-year all-state)

Lillie Gray, violin

Cella Kove, viola

Congratulations to the student performers in the NCHS Music Department on a fantastic collaborative performance last Tuesday! Over 140 musicians performed for over half of the student body and then again that evening for hundreds of family members and friends.

Visual Arts Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards

On January 28th the Connecticut Art Education Association announced recipients of the prestigious 2018 Connecticut Regional Scholastic Awards. From thousands of student art entries, over five hundred were selected for inclusion in this juried art show. The Scholastics Art Awards celebrates achievements in skill, creativity and personal voice. Eight students from New Canaan High School were selected as Honorable Mention, Silver Key and Gold Key winners.

Olivia Germann and Timothy Scranton were awarded Gold Keys along with a scholarship to Hartford Art Schools for their senior art portfolios. Andrew Jameson was also granted a Gold Key for a digital art composition. As Gold Key winners, their artworks will advance to the national level of competition.

Listed below are the award recipients and accompanying images:

Teacher: Ms. Kimanne Core

Olivia Germann | Gold Key | Senior Art Portfolio

Hannah Suthons | Silver Key | Drawing and Illustration | “City” State of Mind

Emma Uzgiris | Silver Key | Drawing and Illustration | Joy!

Teacher: Mrs. Jeanne McDonagh

Timothy Scranton | Gold Key | Senior Art Portfolio

Andrew Jameson | Gold Key | Digital Art | Self Portrait

Caroline Grogan| Honorable Mention | Mixed Media | Greenwich Village

Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Sinski

Sydney Britt | Silver Key | Film & Animation | Blinded

Eva Pace | Silver Key | Mixed Media | Wordplay

World Language:
Finding different ways to use the target language is essential as students learn to address each other in a variety of situations Here are students in French 3H listening to the “teacher” of the day!

Indirect object Pronouns are tricky! Spanish 2 students are working together to better understand the concept. More importantly, they are committed to ensure that their peers understand it as well or better than they do!

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