Weekly Update - February 15
Dear NCHS Family,
I hope that everyone enjoys the well-deserved break and that you all have the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. This should be a homework free week so that students have time to rest, de-stress and recharge.
Counseling services:
Please know that our School Counselors are available if students need to talk or to share any concerns. We are here to help and want students to be aware that we are always open to seeing them. In addition, I have an anonymous suggestion box on the school’s main website. Anyone can add something there, I check it on a regular basis.
Welcome new Teen Talk Counselor - Emma Kate Freatman
Please join in welcoming our newest staff member to the NCHS family, Ms. Emma Kate Freatman. Emma Kate will be our new Teen Talk Counselor and an important part of our counseling team. She comes to NCHS after working most recently as a Crisis Service Counselor with the local Kids in Crisis program. Emma Kate has a great deal of experience working with children and adolescents as well as experience with group work.
Emma Kate's "home base" will be the office next to classroom 202, across the Nursing Suite. Make sure you stop by to say hello when you see her.
Welcome aboard, Emma Kate!
NCTV Broadcast:
Be well and stay healthy NCHS!
Bill Egan
Upcoming Events:
2/16 Professional Learning, no school for students
2/19-2/23 February vacation, no school
2/26 BOE Meeting, 7pm Wagner Room
Pictures from around NCHS:
Monday Yogis
Staff members enjoying Yoga class after school. A great way to strengthen muscles and relieve stress by combining physical exercises, mental meditation, and breathing techniques.
Turn It off Campaign
Car idling can cause problems. Multiple students have brought the issue to our attention. There is a state of Connecticut campaign to turn cars off. You can see more about the campaign at http://iturnitoff.com/index.html#/savings.
Department News:
Administrator’s Perspective:
This week, Mr. Gusitsch wrote a blog entry on “school culture” and “choosing to see the positive” that is around us every day. We have much to celebrate at NCHS! Feel free to check it out, here.
School Counseling:
Counselors visited the freshmen Connections classes to remind students of the process for course selection. Since it is similar to the 8th grade process they seemed to feel comfortable with how to log into the system, consider the teacher recommendations and choose electives. The selection process is ongoing through March and counselors are scheduled to meet with each student personally - grades 9 through 11- to finalize their schedules before the April 1st deadline.
Junior appointments are in full swing as counselors meet with families to plan for life after high school. At the same time we are starting to arrange meetings with college representatives to connect with our partners on the other side of the desk. In the last two weeks we have spoken with Princeton, Monmouth, U Chicago and U Maryland about their respective campuses and programs.
Social Studies:
Many of the Global History I classes are starting their inquiry into the collapse of civilizations. During this inquiry, students ask the following Essential Question: Why do some societies collapse? How can societies avoid collapse? What lessons can past civilizations teach us about collapse?
As a class, they are investigating the collapse of several civilizations, from the Indus Valley to the Western Roman Empire. As part of this unit, based on Jared Diamond's "Collapse", they will examine several more civilizations. After exploring ancient and modern case studies, students shift their focus to the present by considering their findings in a more modern context to ask "What lessons,warnings and advice about collapse does history have to offer?"
Below are photographs of students sharing some of their findings with their class.
Below are several photographs of AP Economics students working through a simulation to determine classroom labor force participation rate and unemployment rate.
This week a new intern has volunteered for Voices of September 11, the 6-week summer internship available to qualified interested juniors. Voices of September 11 helps families heal after tragedy, a vital mission that began after 9/11. Today, the organization continues to address the long-term needs of those impacted by 9/11, commemorates the 2,977 lives lost, and promotes national preparedness. In addition, through VOICES Center of Excellence for Community Resilience, (they) conduct research and training as well as assist communities impacted by other tragedies.” (http://voicesofsept11.org) We are honored to have had NCHS students working with Voices on various internships for many years now.
Model Congress Scrimmage from Ms. Rothchild
Alexis Axon, a sophomore, won Best Delegate at yesterday's Model Congress Scrimmage which was hosted by Trumbull High School. Alexis competed against twelve other delegates in her Banking and Finance Committee! Very proud of our team!
On Wednesday, February 7th, 96 NCHS students participated in the American Mathematics Competition (AMC). The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are both 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examinations in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills. The AMC 10/12 provides an opportunity for high school students to develop positive attitudes towards analytical thinking and mathematics that can assist in future careers. Once we have results we will share them with you!
The New Canaan High School TSA/TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science) teams are preparing for the national competition. The competition, which will be conducted on March 9th, pits teams from high schools all over the nation in a competition about a series of engineering problems centered around a particular theme. This year’s theme is “Engineering a Greener World” and will include a series of topics built around that theme. The competition is in three parts, the first being a series of multiple choice questions on the topics, the second part is an essay based on an investigation that each team will do about transforming a building within town to conserve energy and be more environmentally friendly. The 3rd part will be a “design and build” competition wherein each team will be given a limited set of materials and tasked with creating something to complete a particular task. Reducing cost will also be a part of the scoring for that portion. They will not know that task until competition day. NCHS has forty eight students participating in teams of eight students.
NCHS Band members saw Jersey Boys on Broadway at the New Horizons Theatre in NYC on Saturday, February 10. The field trip culminated the learning and performance of the Jersey Boys medley at the NCHS Collaborative music concert on February, 6. A fun time was had by all!!
Students in Mrs. Moody’s Music Theory class take advantage of technology and distance learning. With the help of fellow classmates, a flu stricken student was able to facetime into class and not fall behind. Students even made sure he had the same seat!
Photography & Photoshop Design Classes traveled to the Carriage Barn Arts Center in Waveny Park to see the 38th Annual Photography Exhibition! Only a short walk away, the Carriage Barn is an incredible location for a real-life experience with Art and Learning.
(see photos below…)
Visiting Artist Nina Buxenbaum comes to Ms. Core’s Studio Art Classes
On Wednesday, February 14th, painter/college professor/AP Studio Art Leader Nina Buxenbaum spoke to the A.P. Studio Art, Advanced Studio Art, and Painting classes. After students went to New Canaan Public Library to write up on her exhibited work in the Gallery, she came to NCHS to talk about her work in both its historical context as well as in today’s socio-political context, shedding light on her painting process and passion. It was enlightening for all!
World Languages:
A Chinese New Year party took place on Wednesday, February 14
Click on this link to read the library update!