Weekly Update 1/13

Dear NCHS Family,

Next week is the start of mid-terms at the high school.  Click here to see our mid-term schedule.  I hope that everyone is well prepared and feels ready to begin the second semester. Sometimes it is hard to believe how fast a school year can go.  Make sure that you get some rest and do your personal best.

The New Canaan Y is opening up their space for mid-term drop in studying. It will be open Monday-Thursday (1/16-1/19) 6:15pm- midnight and Sunday (1/22) 4:00pm-9:30pm. There will be available space for quiet and group studying along with the wellness center and zone open for study breaks. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Davie Cedela at dcedela@newcanaanymca.org.

Tonight’s Game: (Email from earlier today)

I am writing to you today because I am concerned about something posted on Social Media regarding our basketball game this evening. Our students suggested that they would be drinking alcohol.  To this end, there will be extra police presence at the game and we will be breathalyzing all students as they enter the game.  

Please speak with your child before they come to the game this evening to ensure appropriate behavior.

Additionally, we will be charging for Friday basketball games moving forward. The charge will be $5 for adults and $3 for students.  Our students will be admitted for free with a student ID.


Bill Egan

Upcoming Events:
1/16 No school, Martin Luther King Day
1/17 All classes meet; special schedule
1/18 PFA Meeting w/Saxe, 9:30 a.m. Wagner Room
1/18 First semester exams through 1/23
1/20 PFA mid-term Staff Lunch starting 11:00 a.m.

Pictures From Around NCHS this week:

Department Updates:

Social Studies Department News:  
This week and last, Social Studies classes have been busily preparing for exams, many walking through a practice document based question or wrapping up one last unit. Study guides are available in all Social Studies classes, and we wish our students the best in preparing for all of next week’s exams.

We’ve had several students bring back insights from their travels over break in relation to their studies. In AP European History, Caleigh Murray visited the special exhibit on the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of the Ninety-Five Theses, featured at the Morgan Library in New York City.  Emma Dahill examined the special exhibit on Jerusalem at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Becky Serven went to Europe over the December break and shared slides, facts, and insights, all connected to the course content. It is great to see and hear about our students’ passion for history at work outside the classroom.

Just before break, Mr. Phillips’ AP World History class conducted a Model UN-style UNESCO simulation, attempting to resolve conflicts over the ownership and treatment of several of the world’s great artifacts, ones for example caught up in warfare or whose ownership by foreign governments or museums is disputed.

Below are some pictures of the delegates sorting through the cases during UNESCO moderated caucuses and resolution presentations.

Science Department News:
Midterm preparation is well underway within the NCHS Science Department. Teachers and students are utilizing a wide range of study methods to ensure skills and concepts are ready for these mid year assessments.  Included below are some pictures highlighting the varied preparation opportunities that teachers provide our students.

Students utilizing KAHOOT to study for their Earth Science Midterm.

Mrs. Cebulski answering questions for her Biology students.

FullSizeRender (1).jpg A student pours over her old test to make sure she finds her focus.

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