Weekly Update 1/20

Dear NCHS Family,

I hope that everyone is doing their personal best on their exams and is happy with their academic success in the first semester.  The beginning of a new semester is a perfect time to establish some goals. Setting goals is an important skill that can help anyone be more successful in life.
Studies show that teens who set goals are more likely to succeed academically and have a more positive attitude about school than those who do not set goals.  My hope is that everyone will have a positive high school experience.

Just a reminder that The New Canaan High School Scholarship Foundation is celebrating its 50th Anniversary!  NCSF represents a broad-based community effort to provide financial aid to deserving NCHS graduates pursuing higher education at the undergraduate level. We are announcing new and exciting changes to the Foundation. We will continue to have General scholarships and, in addition, new named scholarships. These scholarships can be funded annually or by endowment.  Our annual appeal will see some changes this year as well. Instead of the annual NCHS Scholarship Drive, the New Canaan community will be invited to participate in the first-ever NC Color Run to be held on April 29. It will be a fun-filled event open to all ages. We hope that you can join us; stay tuned for more details. For more information, please visit our new website at www.nchs-sf.org. Thank you for your support.

If you are a senior and are planning on enrolling as a full-time student in a college or university (including technical and vocational schools), you may apply. Eligible students may qualify to receive aid for a maximum of four undergraduate years. Each applicant’s financial status is assessed by the College Scholarship Service. The basis for the Foundation’s decision is the information reported on the financial aid form and analyzed by the Service. The Foundation is using the same data that colleges refer to in making their decision.  All decisions are based solely on need alone.

Upcoming Events:

Wishing you all the best,

Bill Egan

Upcoming Events:
1/23 First semester exams
1/23 Board of Ed Meeting, 7:00 pm Wagner Room
1/24 Second semester begins
1/25,26 Naviance Training, Junior Parents, 8:00 a.m. College & Career

Pictures from around NCHS:

Department News:

VPA News:
Last weekend, 16 NCHS students participated in the CMEA Western Region High School Music Festival at Staples HS. The students were chosen to perform with the regional choir and orchestra based on a rigorous audition in November. The Festival involved over 30 CT schools and over 350 high school musicians.
Congratulations to the following students:
Bass - Logan Otis
Tenor - Finley Vigliotti, Alessio Pantaleo
Alto - Melissa Beck, Caroline Callahan, Cassidy Little, Sadie Seelert
Soprano - Lauren Carlson, Kate Murphy, Maria Oliveira, Tessa Piontkowski
Cello - Jason Campe
Violin - Bart Codd
Viola - Cella Kove
Clarinet - Brian Sandor
Oboe - Clare Herzog

English Department News: This is a quiet week in the English department again as students prepare for exams, present projects, and put the finishing touches on their research.  In Ellen Fitzpatrick and Megan McCauley’s senior film classes, students have created short films in the style of a director they have studied this year, and presented these to their classmates.  Similarly, in Matt Quinn’s senior poetry class, students are presenting their final poetry portfolios. In the week leading up to exams, students  in Arri Week’s class worked on creative reading responses in the library makerspace:
Math Department News:  The American Mathematics Competition will take place on Tuesday, February 9, 2017 in the NCHS Auxiliary Gym.  The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are both 25-question, 75-minute, multiple choice examinations in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills.

Teachers were busy this week preparing students for midterm exams.  This included both in-class and after school review sessions.  We wish our students the best of luck on all of their midterm exams!!!

Library update:

Ms. Whiting and Ms. Luhtala are proud to announce the new library blog!

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